The Kinetic Balance pelvic belts come with two padded sections to ensure user comfort and proper pressure distribution. The nylon straps have been worked neatly into the padded sections. The padded parts are made of high-quality materials and are dirt and water-resistant.
The measurements are marked clearly on the inside of the belt and the trim strip on the nylon straps ensures correct symmetric settings, even when the practitioner is situated behind the device. This also means you can use this to determine and check your adjustments.
Every client and every issue is unique, and so is every positioning requirement. We can therefore offer you a tailored solution in a variety of ways.
The device should impact the client as little as possible and the client also needs continuous monitoring in terms of our product’s settings and positioning in order to create the optimal result.
Examples of when support is needed:
- Sacral sitting (hypotonia)
- Sitting with a rotated pelvis (scoliosis)
- Combination (spasms)
A problem analysis is a good idea and the belt comprises part of the seating system. What else, aside from the belt, needs to be considered?
- Correct seating depth
- Leg supports at the correct height
- Armrests at the correct height
- Asymmetry
Please note if requesting a quote or invoice for items totalling under $300 there will be a charge of $50 inclusive of GST to cover the time and costs involved for us to manually prepare this. Quotes & invoices over $300 in total are exempt from this charge. To avoid this charge you can always purchase the item from us online and you will be issued a tax invoice which you can use to claim back the cost of the goods through the appropriate NDIS channel.